
Current Offerings

Dance Church®

An all-levels movement class that offers a fun and inclusive approach to dancing. No prior dance experience necessary.

2nd & 4th Sunday of every month @ IIam

Hosted by Repertory Dance Theatre at The Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center

Academic Positions

Utah Valley University

Melissa is an adjunct instructor for Utah Valley University’s Department of Dance and has served as Co-Artistic Director of Contemporary Dance Ensemble since Fall 2020.

in 2023, Melissa received the School of the Arts Dean’s Award of Excellence, for Adjunct Faculty — and was recognized for her work with CDE.

Contemporary Dance Ensemble (CDE) is a pre-professional level modern dance company and upper division course. Melissa’s role includes Rehearsal Director, Program Organizer, Creative Director, Movement Director, Technique Teacher, Social Media Manager, Costume Manager, Communications, Scheduling, Mentorship, etc.

Directed Concerts & Rehearsal Direction

Ode to Ourselves

Featuring Choreography by Monica Campbell, Kellie St. Pierre, Nichele Woods, and collaborators Brian Gerke and Melissa Younker



Featuring Choreography by Sarah Donohue, Holly Perkins, Yoshito Sakuraba, Daniel Shapiro & Joanie Smith, and Melissa Younker


From the Ashes

Featuring choreography by Monica Campbell, Brian Gerke, Martha Graham, Courtney Mazeika, WHYTEBERG, and Melissa Younker


Against the Grain

Featuring choreography by Mike Esperanza, Brian Gerke, Laura Brick, and LajaMartin


University of Utah

Melissa is an adjunct instructor for The School of Dance.

Teaching Philosophy

I care about people and facilitate enriching environments that allow for full immersion into collective creation and foster a sense of belonging that is essential to my artistic practice. My classes and choreographic processes are steeped in togetherness, trust and time. Embracing patience and play while using duration to explore/expand the limits of the body.